Event: WHEF Business Summit@Mumbai “Accelerating Economy of Bharat”
Date: January 20, 2018, 9 AM to 6 PM
Venue: Sir Dinshaw Petit International Convention Hall, Bombay Stock Exchange, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai, Bharat – 400001
Bharat, the largest Democracy that automatically translates into one of the largest markets in the world, is now poised to become an economic power house leading the world in the 21 st century. Through the platform of Hindu Economic Forum, Mumbai, WHEF invites you to participate in this journey of “Accelerating the Economy of Bharat”-
Guests of Honour: Sri. Suresh Prabhu, Hon. Minister for Commerce and Industry
Eminent Speaker: Sri. Bibek Debroy, Chief of Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, Member – NITI Ayog.
Speakers from respective fields will share their expert views on :
- Policy for Trade & Commerce, Banking & Finance for Accelerating Growth
- Infrastructure Development – Key Factor For Accelerating the Economy
- MSME and Agriculture – Backbone of Economy
- Business Success stories
The event provides a unique opportunity to network with diverse business owners, investors,
technocrats and policy makers.
Contact Details: Vaibhav Patil (+91-9821976345) | mumbai.hef@gmail.com
WHEF Jan2018_Summit@Mumbai Brochure
Speaker Presentations